Whose "Call" is it anyway?
Got the following article in a Macho Rulz email forward, as usual :-) , thanks to Surendran. Saving some words for better use later, I leave this one to mess with your sense of humour. Basically, I gave up on this one completely :D Read and savour all of it...
PS: It may seem too incredible to be true, but I'd take it for its lighter side.. like they say, "all's fair in love and war!" :P
There's a similar article about a conflict between russians and the american astronauts on who could create a writing device for use in zero gravity
condns. Russians are supposed to have found the best solution! (they used a pencil)
Nice one! Somu told me something very funny sometime ago.
Who says the propeller of a plane is for lift? I say its supposed to keep the pilot cool.Just swicth the propellers off and watch the pilot sweat!:)
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