Friday, February 15, 2008

dé·jà vu

Here we go again! Doesn't this space seem ever so familiar? I mean six to eight months back I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd post, whether my blog would make impact, how many hot chicks around Chambana would visit (read "stalk!") my profile and silently sight adichify me here around campus grounds... well, well Mr. Prince Charming, we ain't on Mars. Are we? Sigh!

Anyway, for the n-th time I take pride cryin' out aloud- I'm back.. er.. not sure if I'd commit to say well and truly though! And lo beware, my foghorn shall spare none. I mean you've got to have the heart to face it. I know it sucks, but that's the best deal of reality I've got for you. And oh, before I forget, the usual disclaimers.. blah blah... may be deemed, rest assured, in place.. not to mention! :-)

God bless!

PS: Did I start off a sentence, given my immaculate Victorian writing, with an "And... blah blah"? Arrrrrrgh!


Sundar Rajan G S said...

Welcome back to blogosphere..

MaVeRicK said...

Thnaks. Feels good! :)

Yamini Chandrasekaran said...

aha! so that was your motive behind blogging! ;-) hmm.. chicks may/maynot have admired you.. but idle blog pages will definitely put off even an ardent fan of yours ;-).. so keep blogging (regularly) :-)

MaVeRicK said...

Thanks for the tip... will try, although I'm fairly optimistic about the chicks part ;-)

Yamini Chandrasekaran said...
